Monday, July 9, 2007

Decided that it was time to let my blog get a new lease of life... I think that blogspot is very much easier to use and it somehow just looks nicer la. Can add lots of cool stuff too.

Much has happened since I last updated my life on the net in my old blog... Can't really recall much of that but let's just get on with life shall we?

Am now back in warm warm Singapore and enjoying the heat, the sun, the food and the great company provided by my family and dear friends. What would I do without them? I certainly have the feeling of 'not wanting' to go back to Sydney la... cos of obvious reasons... But this is just a passing feeling that I will get over once I get back to Sydney.

Bought myself a new Lacoste polo-t thats BRIGHT RED! Wha... love it to bits man. I should have gotten this like long ago. Was contemplating on whether the orange or the red one was nicer but in the end chose the red because I already have an orange one from last time. But this one is a different orange!

Err...err... One of the reasons why I don't update my blog regularly is because I think that NO ONE reads this. Let's face it la, my life is boring... then who on earth will want to read BORING stuff right?... heh... But haiya, what can I do right... Not like I want it to be this way lor...

Whoever reads my entries will notice that my thoughts are all kind of screwed up. I type what comes to my mind and it may not be in a very systematic manner.

Hmm what else is there to say... (see I told you my life was boring, I still need to think of what to write)

Oh yes... point and shoot cameras are like so damn shiok la. It's so different from the old Kodak camera that I was using last time. This new one is a Fujifilm F31fd with Face Detection ok! Don't play play. haha... The shutter lag is almost non-existent! Will be posting much more photos from now on since this blog is up (easier to upload pics) and now that I've got my little secret weapon. haha... Can start taking pics of everything... can go school and snap snap!

Will be heading back to Sydney on the 20th... not much time left...

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