The ONLY exhibit worth seeing (and probably spending money to) will be the Singapore History Gallery. Its something we as citizens can really relate to... Rather than viewing some nonesense arty-farty stuff, the queue to the gallery was the longest.

Alot of hard work has been put into the new Singapore History Gallery which is now housed in the new wing of the museum. Visitors are now handed this cool device that gives you narration of each section of the gallery. And mind you its not some stupid lousy cheapo device... Its a device that has a colour screen! What visitors do is to key in the numbers found on the floor when they arrive at each section of the gallery and the narration will be in progress. You can even key in numbers next to items in the showcases to know more about them! How uber cool is that! Its so high-tech... All put together very well.

The original painting of your best friend... lol.

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